Psifta is a village that combines holiday, environmental-ecological and historical – archeological interest for the visitor. The surrounding territory of Psifta consists a remarkable ekosystem and the hydro biotope, around, has been characterized as a sea-lake. For its rare beauty Psifta and the around area have been declared as "area of exquisite natural beauty" from the Ministry of Culture.

Psifta, one of the few hydro-biotopes of the south Greece, is a shallow sea-lake with many reedbeds and swamps, which during the winter is flooded, while the summer its surface descends, creating saline soils and low halophytic vegetation.

The water-biotope of Psifta is a resting station for the migratory birds, especially at the spring. Here the feathery fauna finds food and a safe place to stay.

Also the water-biotope is a safe refuge for the winter birds, such as swans, herons and ducks. During the heavy winter, the populations and the viriety of birds are increased.

According to some ornithological studies it has been estimated that 89 bird species from 34 different families migrate or hibernate in this important hydrobiotope.

Overall, the lagoon of Psifta is a real paradise for rare species of flora and fauna and one of the most beautiful water sites that lodges a great variety of feathery fauna of this area.

Around the hydrobiotope there are buildings (info kiosk) and wooden observatories, harmonically attached to the surrounding environment for the relaxation and enjoyment of the visitors. To complement the natural environment, there have been planted 2,550 trees and shrubs that thrive in the area.

At Psifta and the surrounding area you can find paved walkways and paths which, together with the wooden bridge and the various information signs, facilitate the transit and observation of the natural landscape.

The most interesting archeological monuments nearby Psifta sea-lake, are the remaining of the temple (mentioned by the ancient historic writer Pausanias) of Saronian Artemis (the goddess Diana) belonging to the archaic period and the "sunken city" (estimated 70.000 population), in which we can notice some elements of wall-making and some fragments of roman vessels.